Gratulujemy serdecznie czterem staszicowskim Drużynom, które – niepodważalną
decyzją jurorów – prof.Joanny Mazur, prof.Marii Steckiej, prof.Katarzyny Widery – okrzyknięte zostały zwycięzcami ex aequo.
W trakcie tegorocznej edycji Konkursu – w ramach Festiwalu Języków Obcych
2o23 – powstało aż 31 kreatywnych tekstów literackich!
Zwycięskie i wyróżnione prace publikujemy poniżej. Miłej lektury!
Wszystkim Uczestnikom dziękujemy za wspólną „lingwistasiową przygodę” i już
teraz zapraszamy na kolejną edycję twórczych zmagań w języku angielskim za rok!
LingwiStaś the Sun
Once upon a time in the sky, there was a miserable Sun named LingwiStaś. The reason for its sadness was the lack of purpose, since it was blocked from the world by clouds. LingwiStaś REPEATEDLY begged its butchers for mercy:
– All I want to do is bring joy to the world and shine. Please let me help people. – Said the Sun DETERMINEDLY.
– We will do it when pigs fly! – The Clouds responded.
Then there came the Wind and gave LingwiStaś a helping hand. It chased the enemies away. Thanks to the Wind’s help the Sun could finally spread happiness all over the world.
LingwiStaś was saved DESERVEDLY and began to EXCITEDLY fulfill its mission. ADMITTEDLY, the Sun’s light has helped many creatures, but none of them was as important as a dying Flower. LingwiStaś saw it from above and knew immediately that it was the little plant’s only hope. The Sun used all the power it possibly could to save the new friend who thanked him:
– If it wasn’t for your kindness, I would have died, words cannot describe my gratitude. – Said the Flower.
– Don’t mention it. Just remember to pass on my legacy. – The Sun answered gently.
The kindness REPORTEDLY is still shown by the descendants of LingwiStaś and his friends.
An important math test was getting closer and closer. The enormous amount of knowledge LingwiStaś needed to acquire was frightening. He decided to face it and went to a well-known café. He sat in the corner, took out his handbook and notes. He was aware that a cup of coffee was necessary for him to function properly after a long, exhausting day at school. LingwiStaś was standing in a queue when he realized he didn’t have enough cash on him. ‘Oh no! Seems like I’m missing a couple of coins.’, he mumbled sadly. ‘How much are you missing?’, an old lady behind him asked. ‘I’m 2 zloty short’, he answered. The lady smiled at him and gave him the money. ‘Thank you!’, he said EXCITEDLY. He placed an order and went back to studying. The act of kindness that he witnessed gave him the courage to learn DETERMINEDLY the material.
LingwiStaś finished studying with a smile on his face and visible happiness in his eyes. While packing his books he spotted a student from a school that HEATEDLY competed with his educational institution. He saw him struggling and couldn’t be indifferent to it. ‘Wassup, need some help bro?’, he asked. The student looked up and unconfidently skook his head agreeing. ‘You know, I’m taking an exam tomorrow. I’ve been studying the same thing for last few hours, so I can help you’, LingwiStaś added. He sat down and calmly started explaining the though topics. Together they achived the goal, but they felt like friendship they created through this small act of kindness was a more important prize than any good mark.
Once upon a time there was a lovely fleshy Lingwistaś the hedgehog. How did he come to be a hedgehog, you may ask? Well originally, Lingwistaś was just a gullible forest creature, with lots of innate curiosity. One autumn afternoon, while taking a stroll, he happened to come across some delicious looking hyphae, which he then EXCITEDLY ate. Having felt nauseous, he promptly laid down and dozed off.
He was awaken by faint croaking sounds coming from above .
– Ribbit ribbit, mighty sir. Would you happen to be in possession of some yummy bugs?
– Um, unfortunately not, I’m afraid
– Ah I see. You do look rather famished. ADMITTEDLY I only have a handful of these creatures left, but I’ll happily share them with you.
– Thank you very much, that’s very kind of you. Sometimes we all need a bite of help.
In the midst of eating hungrily, Lingwistaś spotted a stork soaring overhead.
– Look out! – he yelled.
Seeing the stork make its way towards them, he DETERMINEDLY launched himself through the air and covered the frog. The leaves stuck on his quills made them blend into the forest undergrowth perfectly. After the danger passed, the frog expressed his gratitude, saying “It truly doesn’t take much, sometimes we all just need a little help”.